
Saturday, September 21, 2024

SEPTEMBER 20204 -- Last Leaf


© LJR 2024


Do you ever feel like that last leaf

Afraid to let go the familiar

Worried you will free fall

With no net or parachute . . .

Something, anything to catch you

To put your fears to rest

And help you see this change

In spite of any bumps and pain

Is setting your life on course

To be right where you belong


Friday, August 23, 2024

AUGUST 2024 -- Twilight



© LJR 2024


As twilight slips across the land

An ease comes over me

Day is done, what will be has been

I can only move forward from here

Dump regrets, set aside complaints

Focus on the grace that’s been given me

Tomorrow will soon dawn

Bringing new challenges, new vistas

I will not fret about them now

So come twilight . . .

With your fading light, your cricket symphony

Lull me into the peace of slumber
