
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

OCTOBER 2023 -- Scarecrow


© 2023 LJR

There’s a nip to the air

As the leaves turn and fall

When the corn and the pumpkins are ripe

Squirrels cache seeds and nuts

Flocks of geese vee due south

Muskrats scurry to ready their dens

Deer bed down in thickets

Bears settle in snug caves

They all feel the change in the season

Yet someone’s not moving

As if he’s ignoring

All signs of this upcoming shift

Scarecrow stands all alone

Holding firm to his pole

Ready to face whatever may come

He’ll ignore rain and sleet

Brave the cold and the snow

Protecting what is close to his heart

For nestled in his chest

Lies a family home

Our scarecrow has found a new purpose.