In regions where winter travel weather rates far from
optimal, attending any kind of event for writers and illustrators during those
months can be a challenge. Or should I say it would be unless, like the Inland
NW SCBWI region, you bypass the snow and ice by offering a 4-part webinar series.

The Northwest’s own Jessixa Bagley (Boats for Papa, Laundry Day)
spoke to both illustrators and authors the following Saturday as she connected
her journey to publication with thoughts on how each of us could “Polish Your
Personal Style and Voice.” For Jessixa, the key is finding and mining your
personal connection to the content—what inspires you, moves you, draws you in?
My favorite takeaway: An exercise Jessixa has always remembered from a
conference - visualize yourself at your favorite age as a child and write for
that child.
You gotta love a guy who can turn breakfast foods into
picture books characters. And tell their story in rhyme. Josh Funk (Lady Pancake & Sir French Toast, Dear Dragon) made known his views on the
“To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme” debate while sharing several pithy tips on doing
rhyme right. My favorite takeaway from Josh: Remember, rhythm
and rhyme is not about whether it works for you, but whether it works for
everyone else who will be reading it cold.
The series final presenter definitely does rhyme right.
However, after twenty-one years of writing and 37 published books, “Strong
Beginnings, Satisfying Endings—And Navigating from One to the Other” is also
something Linda Ashman (Hey, Coach!, All We Know, The Nuts and Bolts Guide to
Writing Picture Books) does right. Linda’s hour was jam-packed with
information, making me doubly glad I could view the recording again later. My
favorite takeaways: the reading list Linda shared of mentor texts for further
study of the story structures she spoke on and her motto (borrowed from a
fellow writer?)—There are many ways to tell story. Just try stuff.
Following the series, a survey asked if we felt we came away
with a) lots of new information, b) a little new information, or if c) we felt
we heard it all before. I always find that a hard question to answer. I mean,
let’s face it, after attending conferences, workshops, etc., for a number of
years, chances are you’ve heard these topics before. However, what I see as the
key that keeps me coming back is more about the presenter than the topic. Every
writer or illustrator brings their own life experiences, their own unique
viewpoint, and their own style of dissecting and imparting information to their
presentation. Which is great because we all have our own unique way of
learning. What I lose in the info-dump of one speaker, another will make so
clear it literally pops like a light bulb. The writing exercise one shares leaves
me uninspired while that of another is a genuine “ah-ha!” moment. Add in the
marvelous variety of resource books, mentor texts, and inspirational anecdotes
and quotes each presenter shares and hopefully you are starting to understand.
Even if I feel I may not have come away with new information, I do come away
re-inspired by even the most well-worn topic.
So would I participate in a series like this again? In a
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