
Sunday, December 17, 2023

DECEMBER 2023 -- Troubles for Saint Nick


© LJR 2023


 Jolly old Saint Nicholas

Lean your ear this way

It seems a warrant for your arrest

Has brought us into court today

The FAA accuses you of flying

With no flight plan in the queue

Plus you lack a pilot’s license

 And an airborne sleigh just will not do

As for Homeland, they’ve voiced grave concerns

About you crossing borders willy-nilly

For you seem to think a passport

Is both unneeded and quite silly

The IRS can find no tax returns

Under any of your many names

While your use of tiny reindeer

Troubles the folks at Fish and Game

Local police label you a voyeur

“He sees you when you’re sleeping”

Not to mention all those videos

Where nanny-cams have caught you creeping

Yes, old Saint Nick, I sadly fear

You are headed to the pen

Unless a Christmas miracle

Happens between now and then

My advice as your attorney

Is to make the judge and jury think

Of all those disappointed children

If Santa Claus ends up in the clink

Yes, if Christmas cheer is threatened

I think we may just win this case

And you can resume your mission

Putting smiles on every kiddie’s face




Saturday, November 18, 2023

NOVEMBER 2023 -- A Life in Review

© 2023 LJR


As Thanksgiving time approaches

I find myself reviewing

What my years have given me

Three score and more can I claim

Each a mix of blessings and sorrow

Challenges and triumphs

Wins and losses

Highs and lows

But through it all

I’ve never been truly alone

Anchored by family and friends

Bolstered by faith

I’ve kept moving forward

Adding each new day

To life’s memory banks

Stockpiling the good

Letting go of the bad

Always grateful for the fact

I’ve made it this far at all!